Electrical Repairs

What We Do

Electrical repairs in the event of sudden breakdowns and the provision of spare parts for repairs according to the failure


Electrical Repairs Branches

Nacita Autocare Zamalek Branch

Misr Petroleum Station- Street 26th July intersecting Shagaret El Dor St. in front of Zamalek cinema

02 - 273 718 38

Nacita Autocare Mohandeseen Branch

Misr Petroleum Station- 7 Gamaet El Dowal El Arabeya St., corner of the Arabian Peninsula

02 - 330 458 25

Nacita Autocare Hegaz Branch

Misr Petroleum Station- 82 El Hegaz St., the corner of el-sebaq street between Merryland Park and Khulafaa Al-Rashedin Mosque from Roxy Square

02 - 263 296 42

Request a Electrical Repairs

* Our confirmation team will contact you soon to set the actual availability date.

Our Services

We credit our success to our unwavering commitment to exceptional service